Category: meditations

See Only Love

When we are born, we fall asleep

A dream of forgetting becomes our world

We want to go home and we are lost

We cannot recall our destination

We create crisis and conflict

And only believe what we see

Swaddled in the doubt of rights and wrongs

Intertwined with the thick and heavy

A concoction of opinions and teams

A lie of loneliness and reclusiveness

A fear of the deception of death

A conviction for what is unreal

But we do not need to validate

Embrace of the unreal is unnecessary

Entertaining separation lacks value

Because separation values only lack

We are made of power and might

We come from the root of Infinite Potency

If we wish to remember who we truly are

We must take back our power

The dream cannot harm us

In the embrace of the Ultimate Reality

To wake up from the dream

We must see only love

Sing of Mary

This morning I felt called to listen to Marian hymns. One song that I have always loved since childhood was “Sing of Mary” by Roland Palmer (1938). However, as I get older I find myself more and more troubled by the language. The spirit of the hymn is beautiful, but I decided to rewrite it with updated language.


Sing of Mary, pure and loving

Gentle mother, evermore

Sing of God’s own Son, ascended

Mary’s Son opened up the door

Tenderest child of tenderest mother,

Holy Master who came to earth

Christ demonstrated our True Nature

Wisest of teachers since his birth


Sing of Jesus, Son of Mary

Wandering in Nazareth

Waking us up to the Oneness in us

Fearless he was, of even death

Constant was the love they showed us

Even when friends had left his side

Teaching us that we are all eternal

Showing us love when crucified

Glory be to the Creator,

Glory be to the Holy Son,

Glory be to the Holy Spirit,

Glory to all—we are all One.

Gratitude for Blessed Mary

Gratitude for what is True

Gratitude for every lesson

Gratitude for me and you


Dark Night of the Soul

Deep in the darkness

your heart may lurk

solitary, frozen, fearful

despair feels somehow restorative

The fantasies come along

An existence absence of you

The sadness thick; isolation never-ending

Every door on which you knock is closed

The intensity of the thoughts thicken

You are but a wretched person

You have solely yourself

Insignificant in the universe

You begin to question

Why did I come

This could not have been a choice

Anything else would have been better

The ego moves you slow like molasses

You forget who you are

You slip farther away

You feel comfort in the cavern

The earth shakes; you have hit the bottom

As your body slams onto the earth

A singular thought arises

I do not want to be with myself any more

Something curious happens

The thought makes you realize

You are not the sum of your experience

Who is “you”? Who is “yourself”?

An awareness of distinction

Clears your skies of consciousness

The dark sky altered your perception

But abruptly you have shifted

Grasping the blackness

Amplifies the beauty of the light

One cannot exist without the other

Harmoniousness becomes you

Your radiant glow spreads

To the totality of what your touch

And your dark night of the soul

Brings others into their beauty

A blessing in disguise

A deliverance from terror

The experience assists you

And millions will learn from you

Shedding Layers

To participate in dogma

Is to be heavy and restrictive

A winter parka

wrapped in a weighted blanket

We are a cosmic undertaking

A testimony to the Creator

We flow freely in the breeze

Like a creature of flight

The burden of life in 3D

Becomes the only reality we recall

To conceptualize the Truth

Is an absurdity of controversy

To create is to nurture the soul

To conform is to drain it

Surrender to remember

And we realign again

Our inner guidance is universal

A divine right of royalty

The king and queendom of God

Is a flash in every soul

Remember yourself

The whole of your being

lift your blanket; remove your coat

Feel the breeze of the Real Way